Ali obožujete Bounty? Potem morate preizkusiti ta recept!

17. marec 2025

Ali obožujete Bounty? Potem morate preizkusiti ta recept!

17. marec 2025
Foto: Instagram @einfachbacken
Ali obožujete Bounty? Potem morate preizkusiti ta recept!

Ali obožujete Bounty? Potem morate preizkusiti ta recept!

17. marec 2025
Foto: Instagram @paleohacksofficial in @elavegan

Preprost, zdrav in božansko okusen! Preizkusite enostaven recept za namaz, ki je popolna izbira za vse, ki obožujejo kokos.

Ste ljubitelji kokosa in sladkih užitkov? Potem morate preizkusiti ta enostaven recept za domač Bounty namaz, ki bo zagotovo postal vaša nova najljubša sladica!

Priprava je povsem preprosta, saj potrebujete le eno sestavino – kokosovo moko. Rezultat je kremast, naravno sladek namaz, ki ga lahko namažete na kruh, dodate k pecivom ali pa si ga privoščite kar na žlico.

Zakaj ga morate preizkusiti?

Ta domači namaz je popolnoma naraven, brez umetnih dodatkov in nepotrebnih sladkorjev, hkrati pa ponuja bogat okus kokosa, ki se mu ne boste mogli upreti. Če želite, lahko dodate malce sladila po svojem okusu, vendar je odličen že v svoji osnovni različici.


  1. Kokosovo moko enakomerno razporedite na pekač, obložen s papirjem za peko.
  2. V predhodno ogreti pečici na 160 °C jo pecite nekaj minut, dokler zgornja plast ne porjavi. Bodite previdni, saj kokos hitro zagori, zato ostanite blizu pečice.
  3. Popečeno moko stresite v zmogljiv blender in meljite, dokler ne dobite gladke, kremaste teksture. Če je potrebno, postopek večkrat ponovite.
  4. Če imate radi bolj sladek okus, dodajte nekaj kapljic stevije ali drugo sladilo po želji.
  5. Ko dosežete želeno konsistenco, je vaš domači Bounty namaz pripravljen za uživanje.
@thrivingonplants COCONUT BUTTER 🥥 Did you know you can process shredded coconut to make a deliciously runny coconut butter?! It's 100% pure creamy coconutty goodness that you can use in so many different ways! HERES HOW 👇 Ingredients 3 cups (300g) desiccated or shredded coconut (*as a minimum I'd suggest 3 cups, the more you use the easier it is to process) Optional add-ins: Sugar/sweetener, to taste Dash of vanilla extract Pinch of salt Method: 1. Add your coconut into a blender or food processor. Process until coconut has broken down into a fine meal. Use a spoon to scrape down the sides as needed. 2. Continue to process until it becomes smooth and runny. Once it's runny you can add in any other additional flavourings or sweeteners. 3. Pour into a clean jar and enjoy! Keep in the pantry (it will become rock hard in the fridge) for up to 1 month. Serving Suggestions: ✨ Add it onto your oatmeal ✨ Add it into your smoothies ✨ Use it in desserts/baking ✨ Use it in raw/no bake treats ✨ Spread it onto toast (like I did in the thumbnail! I mixed mine with sifted matcha + maple and used it as a spread. Then drizzled extra coconut butter on top) ✨ Drizzle over ice-cream (it'll instantly turn into a hard shell too!) Notes: This will become quite hard and solid at room temp once it cools. You can spoon this onto a hot food/meals and it'll soften. Alternately, scoop out and heat it up in the microwave or sit the jar in a hot water bath or in the oven on a low temp to warm it up. #vegan #plantbased #easyrecipe #recipeidea #coconut #coconutbutter #homemade #coconuts #coconutrecipes #easyrecipes ♬ A Tu Lado – edgar Alejandro

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